Salad of the Week!
I am in a creamy dressing phase but as we all know Ranch, blue cheese and their ilk do us no favors . And don't get me started on the grossness of the bottled kind! Being mindful that swimsuit season is around the corner and looking to quell my craving, I came up with the following. Lets call it:
What the Fage??? I can't believe it's not fattening!
1 tbs olive oil
3/4 fat free greek yogurt (I used Fage total 0%)
juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 clove garlic, grated
salt and pepper
Whisk together ingredients, using salt and pepper to taste. It should be creamy from the yogurt, tangy from the lemon and spicy from the garlic. And low fat!
In the photo is the salad I made - arugula, rashishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, red peppers and fresh baby mint from the jardin all chopped in large chunks. Toss in a bowl with the dreamily delectable dressing
As a side note, I used my faorite new kitchen gadget - the salad chef from Bonjour that I picked up at WS...it is a cruet that has recipes for basic dressings on the side and a hand held blender that fits right inside, so once you have assembled your ingredients, you simply whizz it all together. Then, pop on the handy lid and keep your dressing in the fridge! I am a big believer in only buying gadgets that do more than one thing soooo...I use the hand held blender for all sorts of things - foaming milk for quick lattes, blending sauces, hot chocolate for the kids. Love it!!
And a photographer, too!!!!! At first, I thought they were free photos from Getty!!
Just perfect, as usual!
ha ha, flattery will get you everywhere!!!
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