Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Berry Patch Farm/Supporting our local farmers!


Heaven on earth in Colorado for me. A short drive up Colorado Blvd to 85 to Brighton (ish) and you are whisked far far away from the city. As we pulled into the parking lot, the first thing we saw was an adorably rotund speckled piglet (named Bacon Bits)trotting around the parking lot. The kids leaped from the car as I put in in park, thrilled to see neighborhood friends pulling up in the car next to us and straight to the red barn to grab blue baskets and hop on the tractor that would take us to the strawberry fields.

As we drove out to the strawberry fields, the kids called out the various types of produce growing along the way, peppers, chilies (spicy!), melons, tomatillos, kale (lettuce), and then the strawberries.

In full disclosure, my childhood in England has me predispoed to the PYO/UPick visit. Once I am in the fields, seeing the bright, ruby red, shiny jewels peeking out from the heart shaped, verdant leaves, my heart starts pounding and I am consumed by a desire to leave no berry behind!
So, we picked and watched ladybugs, grasshoppers, and frogs frolikcing among the plants. Then back to the farm house for lemon cucumbers, purple peppers, edamame on the "vine" and roma tomatoes and fresh basil which I roasted and turned into a delicious pasta sauce that is now frozen to enjoy throughout the winter. We came home sunkissed, sticky and a little muddy, laden with berries and goodies.

Back 2 weeks later for raspberries which were ripe and ready and now 8 containers sit in my fridge for jam making. I have been collecting local produce this past week for preserving/canning/jamming and am so excited to build a store in the basement filled with the best of the summer. I have raspberries, peaches from a neighbors tree, plums from my tree, tomatillos from our garden (cool plant!), roasted peppers and Hatch green chilies. Whew - it's a lot of work but I am enchanted with the idea that I am buying local and preserving just as in the early days. My inspiration is coming from Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver and while Colorado's growing season and produce don't come close to that of Virginia's there is plenty to keep me busy. I am also committed to only buying seasonal produce - no more apples from New Zealand so canning/jamming will make sure we can enjoy peaches all year long. Whew - not sure when I am going to have time to do it but I will!!!
Look for the recipes on the next post. Please feel free to share any tips b/c I am definitely a novice at all this.

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