Thursday, September 11, 2008

Golden Gazpacho

Savor the final flavors of summer with this delicious, easy soup inspired by a chef from Provence who I saw on "Diary of a Foodie" on PBS. The flavors are crisp, clean and refreshing with a little unexpected sweetness. It is also amazingly creamy

4 yellow tomatoes
2 orange tomatoes
1/4 honeydew or Israeli perfume melon (green flesh)
1/2 english cucumber, peeled
1/4 red onion, cut into chunks
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon olive oil

Whizz all ingredients in blender. Serve with diced yellow tomato and cucumber for garnish.
If you really want to go to town. Cut the remaining cucumber into small chunks and toss with olive oil, lemon juice and fresh basil flowers, place in soup bowl and ladle gazpacho over cucs.

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